Troubleshooting Tips

ShipBoss Help Center : Troubleshooting Tips
Trouble shooting Guide, Commonly Asked Questions, Technical Questions
Login Issues

Please follow these login instructions.
If you’re still having an issue, please contact our support team.

Make sure you are not hitting forgot password but rather entering your email by username and temporary password by password.
If you are still having an issue, please contact our support team.
Ship Page Issues

Make sure your default address is set. Once you’ve set and saved it, recheck the New Shipment page.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.

Recheck your addresses
Check that there are no specialty characters in the address.
Make sure your packaging is set to customer packaging
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.
Address Issues

Double check your address.
Ensure there are no specialty characters in your address.
Make sure your packaging is set to Customer Packaging.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.

Try refreshing your page.
Log in and log back out.
Clear your cache by hitting F5
If you’re still having an issue please reach out to our support team.

Check to make sure your address has the correct city and zip.
Check that there are no specialty characters in the address.
If it is correct:
for UPS domestic shipments or to PR you can check with the **UPS validator tool**.
For DHL you can check the city and/or zip on **DCT**.
Make sure your packaging is set to “*Customer Packaging**”. You may have to first reset your shipment.
Pickup Issues

Make sure your pickup window is within the required minimum window required by the carrier as shown on the pickup screen.
Check your address
If you’re doing a Ground pickup, it can only be scheduled for the next day.
In general, make sure pickup date is on an active business day (not a legal holiday, etc.).
If you still need help, please contact our customer support team.
If you receive an error, try adjusting your pickup window to 4 hours instead of three. If problems still persist, please contact your customer service representative.

Refresh your screen
Log out and log back in.
Clear your cache by hitting F5
If that does not help, contact our support team

Make sure you remove any specialty characters in your address and try again.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.
Label Issues

Make sure you allow popups in your browser.
Refresh your page.
Log out and back into your browser.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.

If you are printing a 4X6 label sheet, you will need to make sure you the correct type of printer.
If you’re using a 4X6 label printer, you will need to make sure you are selecting 4X6 for the label type.
Error Messages

Double check your “To” and “From” address.
Please note: you will still be able to select that service and will be billed according to you’re a discounted rate.

Please refresh your page by hitting F5 on your keyboard or the refresh button in the top of your browser.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.

The carrier requires an automated export system EEI #.
If your shipment is under $2,500 you can add an AES exemption. Please see our resources page for more info.

Make sure you remove any specialty characters in your address and try again.
If your still having an issue, please contact our support team.

Updated on: 09/01/2023
Thank you!