International Shipping and Customs Info
The HS code is the six-digit international Harmonized Code System used by customs authorities to identify goods being shipped to another country. They vary from one country to the next. For US imports, four addFew readersManaging Invoices
To view and download your invoices, head over to the Admin tab, your invoices are in the first tab labeled View Invoices. You can sort your invoices by their PaFew readersRecurring Pickups Feature
Recurring Pickups on ShipBoss Introduction Reoccurring pickups on ShipBoss allow you to schedule automatic pickups for your daily shipments. This feature makes the shipping process more efficient and saves you time by eliminating the need to manually schedule pickups every day. How to Schedule a Recurring Pickup Log in to your ShipBoss account. Navigate to the 'Pickups' page by clicking on the 'Pickups' link in the header. ShipBoss website headerFew readers