Getting WooCommerce Credentials for ShipBoss

WooCommerce Integration with ShipBoss

Integrating your WooCommerce store with ShipBoss allows for seamless management of your eCommerce operations. Follow the steps below to set up the integration.

Step 1: Determine the API URL

The API URL is derived from your WooCommerce store's main URL. The typical format is:



If your WooCommerce store is located at, your API URL would be:


This URL will be needed when setting up the integration in ShipBoss.

Step 2: Generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Step 2.1: Access WooCommerce Settings

Log in to your WordPress Dashboard:
- Use your admin credentials to access your WordPress dashboard.

Navigate to WooCommerce Settings:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings from the WordPress menu.

Step 2.2: Open REST API

Go to the Advanced Tab:
- In the WooCommerce Settings menu, click on the Advanced tab.

Select REST API:
- From the options available, choose REST API.

Step 2.3: Create API Keys

Click on Add Key:
- To generate a new API key, click on the Add Key button.

Enter Key Details:
- Description: Provide a description for the key (e.g., "ShipBoss Integration").
- User: Select a user (this could be your admin account).
- Permissions: Choose the level of permissions:
- Read
- Write
- Read/Write (recommended)

Generate the API Key:
- After entering the necessary information, click on Generate API Key.

Step 2.4: Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Copy the Keys:
- Once the API key is generated, the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be displayed on the screen.

Store the Keys Securely:
- Copy these keys and save them in a secure location. You will need these keys to complete the integration with ShipBoss.

Step 3: Complete the Integration in ShipBoss

Log into ShipBoss:
- Access the ShipBoss admin portal.

Navigate to the Admin Section:
- Go to the Admin section where integrations can be managed.

Insert the API URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret:
- Provide the WooCommerce API URL you determined earlier.
- Enter the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you generated.

Save the Integration Settings:
- After entering the required information, save the settings to complete the integration.

- SyncNship

- Getting Magento Credentials for ShipBoss

- Getting Shopify Credentials for ShipBoss

Troubleshooting and Support

- API Connection Issues: Ensure that the API URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret are correctly entered in ShipBoss.
- Permissions: Verify that the WooCommerce user selected has the appropriate permissions (Read/Write) for the API keys.
- Support: If you encounter any issues, contact ShipBoss support for further assistance.

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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