Getting Shopify Credentials for ShipBoss

Shopify Integration with ShipBoss

Step 1: Create an API Key in Shopify

Navigate to App Development:
- Log into your Shopify admin account.
- Go to the App development section.
- Click on Develop apps.

Create an App:
- Click on Create an app.
- Provide a name for your app and proceed to create it.

Step 2: Configure API Access

You need to configure the app with the necessary API scopes to allow ShipBoss to interact with Shopify.

Set the API Scopes:
- Ensure that your app has the following scopes:
- write_assigned_fulfillment_orders
- read_assigned_fulfillment_orders
- write_fulfillments
- read_fulfillments
- write_inventory
- read_inventory
- write_orders
- read_orders
- read_channels
- write_channels
- write_shipping
- read_shipping
- write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
- read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
- write_third_party_fulfillment_orders
- read_third_party_fulfillment_orders
- write_custom_fulfillment_services
- read_custom_fulfillment_services

Install the App:
- After setting the scopes, click Install to enable the app to generate the token.

Step 3: Generate the Admin API Access Token

Generate the Token:
- Once the app is installed, you will see an option to Generate Token. This is the token you need to enter into ShipBoss.
- Important: This token will only be visible once, so save it securely.

Step 4: Complete the Integration in ShipBoss

Log into ShipBoss:
- Access the ShipBoss admin portal.
- Navigate to the Admin section.

Insert the Token:
- In the appropriate field, paste the Shopify token you generated.
- Save the integration settings.

Enter the Store URL:
- Where ShipBoss asks you to enter the Store URL, input the web address that customers use to access your Shopify store.

Finalize the Integration:
- Ensure that all settings are correctly configured to avoid errors.
- Once saved, the integration should be active, allowing ShipBoss to interact with your Shopify store.

- SyncNship
- Getting Magento Credentials for ShipBoss
- Getting WooCommerce Credentials for ShipBoss

Troubleshooting and Support

- If you encounter issues during the Shopify integration process, verify that the API scopes are set correctly and the API token is accurately copied.
- For further assistance, contact ShipBoss support.

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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